
A House Inspired by a Jasperware Teapot

Portland Blue and Cane  Jasperware Tea Set, by Wedgwood
Recently I had a request to do the colors for a Queen Anne townhouse in San Francisco where my good friends the Von Petrins had just bought the upper flat. Having worked with them on the interior I already knew they prefer a more minimal/contemporary/unusual treatment, and they had even suggested the house be painted entirely black, a growing trend in San Francisco.
The partner owners loved the Victorian style, but also wanted a deep color and directed me to houses painted dark blue with white trim. 

Raised in the 1920s to add a garage, the house is rather high off the sidewalk making the garage door a bit more obvious than the entry. So we discussed using a bright color on the doors to make them more visible.   The upper flat has white vinyl window units and I decided to just ignore them since they may be replaced soon.   The house had previously been painted pale gray and white,  in a way that de-emphasized the  ornament and flatted out the facade.    In fact it is patchwork quilt of different applied ornament, some original, some not.   I admit it, this one was a brain-teaser for me.    
How to make a daring, contemporary splash and still celebrate the Victorian ornament and have it all look cohesive?  The answer came to me while admiring a deep blue and ivory Wedgwood Jasperware teapot:  a lovely object that had 6 distinct  ornaments that look wonderful together, on a highly contrasting surface. Seemed to me a perfect solution! Rather than call out the details in different colors, ALL of the ornament can be the same color. 
So--- here is the result:
The Jasper house
Naturally we added a bit of gold leaf here and there, and we have a few details still  to do. But I am completely thrilled with it.  It's a traffic-stopping house and reflects well the personalities of its owners.

Paint by Sherwin-Williams

Are you a fan of Wedgwood too?  Read on----

You may call Lynne Rutter for color consulting:  415.282.8820

Lynne Rutter Studio



  1. What gorgeousness (?)!!

    Don't you just love brilliant inspirations? You had it there for sure. This is a stunning color combo that I can't recall seeing elsewhere.

    Nice going, Lynne! Marriage must be agreeing with you>


  2. Knocks me flat. Lynne, another triumph.

  3. It really is a traffic stopping house. I gasped! Breathtaking.

  4. WOW! Just heart-stoppingly gorgeous. I need to get to San Francisco.

  5. thanks everyone! i have to give big credit to the owners and their willingness to go for it. you can't do this look half way!

  6. Hi Lynne
    First I will say... really beautiful!
    Second... my hats off to the owners, most clients would have told you, you were out of your mind, while they were typing "House painters" into yahoo yellow pages.

    Job well done!

  7. Totally, totally scrumptious. Now I'm off to visit Regina's post about you. Thank you so much for calling by my booth at Portland last month. It was lovely to see you.

  8. Oh wow! Absolutely love it! The details just pop now.

  9. That is really stunning! I love that your inspiration came from a teapot.

  10. Sharon Leichsenring@gmail.comAugust 18, 2010 at 4:40 PM

    Lynne, I am just eating up the eye candy! It's so elegant and aren't the owners patting themselves on the back for trusting your vision. I love it.

  11. Wow! This is AMAZING. Love it! -- Mopar

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