
Vera- Blogdom's popular party girl

Vera Has a Martini | acrylic and oil on canvas (detail)
Of course you notice her, the luscious dark-haired girl in the jazz club, cooling her brow with a martini glass and giving the guy right behind you a cold come-hither stare.

Yes, I mean you, bloggers, taking Vera's picture, and using your story to tell her story. Go ahead and project onto her all your bitterness, desires and dreams.

"Vera has a Martini" was commissioned as part of a group of paintings for the (gone but not forgotten) Cobalt Tavern in San Francisco's North Beach. Since then, she's been inspiring musings all over the internet with her icy mixed message, and, she has become something of an alter-ego for me as well, since I use her as my avatar in some places.
I've found her in many blogs and websites over the years. Vera sure gets around.
here are some of the more interesting entries:

"Stirred, Not Shaken" Mantis in a Teacup, February 2007
The Perfect Friday Night Pegasus News, January 2007
"Martini + Rossi" Yonja - Kuşadası , Turkey
Cleopa is Here! Cleopa - Pensieri Disordinati, Christmas, 2005
John Gilbert's Home Page