
Lady Smitson

One of the remarkable miniature portraits collected by my great-grandmother is this charming painting of "Lady Smitson," as this is labeled on the back.  Having inherited this collection, I am carefully cleaning and documenting each piece as I have time.  This painting is signed "Gram" on the front, and dated "80" on the reverse, and set into an elaborate frame of brass.
Lady Smitson
Lady Smitson is realistically and beautifully painted, with texture and brushwork recalling the English School style.  Her clothes and hair are in the fashion of the 1780's. The I don't think this is a copy of another painting but rather an original and lively (and possibly idealized) portrait of a beautiful and fashionable lady. Who was she?  I wish I knew.

you may click on the images to view them larger


  1. A lovely portrait, and the frame is a treasure, too. I've read that another avid collector of miniatures was Queen Victoria ...

  2. Do you know:

  3. She's exquisite. Love the images and the close-up, thank you! I'm sure it would please your great-grandmother to know her collection is in the hands of a relative who would truly appreciate it and would care for it greatly.


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