
In the Spotlight

You can read the on-line version at 
It's kind of exciting to see one's name in print, spelled correctly and everything.

I'm pretty shy about getting my picture taken but in this case I dosed up on rescue remedy and tried to smile.

Nice interview written by Anh-Minh Le for the Stylemaker Spotlight in this week's Home and Design section of the San Francisco Chronicle.  Anh-Minh is also the Editor-in-Chief of Anthology Magazine.

Several people have asked:  my Belgian linen painter's smock was custom made for me by Kathleen Crowley.


  1. How cool is that?! Congratulations! I just finished the article and am looking forward to seeing the mural that's inspired by 1812 wallpaper. I'm guessing it's like Zuber ...

    Great photograph, too!

  2. Oh, Lynne!
    You so deserve it!! Wonderful read for a wonderful artist.

    I am very happy for you...

  3. You are so deserving of this. So glad the rest of the world figured that out!


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