
Everything Is Going To Be OK

Sun streams into the clerestory windows of the Badìa Fiorentina
This  week I was somewhat lost in a haze as a family emergency had me nearly packed and on a plane.  I walked around Florence clutching my phone waiting for word on my father's condition, unable to do much else, all other plans on hold.  The best possible  news arrived late yesterday evening and I felt like lighting candles and so wandered into the church nearest me, so dark and austere and dramatically lit. I found some candles and offered the rest of my change.
The next morning I returned to the same church, which happens to be the ancient Badìa Fiorentina, to show it to Erling,  when the sun broke through the clouds and streamed into the clerestory windows, illuminating a beautiful carved wooden ceiling which had been all but invisible moments earlier.  All I could think of at that moment was "thank you."

** So anyway, the carved wooden ceiling, which conceals the original Gothic trusses, was created by Felice Gamberai in 1631 as part of a Baroque remodel.

photo by Lynne Rutter February 2014


  1. RAYS OF HOPE and lit your PRAYERS in the dark! Amen

  2. This is wonderful news. I know what limbo is and I am glad everyone is out of that stage. God has given you a sign to stay and work and have wonder over the treasures of get to work and impress me with your book!


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